Welcome to /int/ Minecraft

Our server has the address hub.dev-urandom.eu. From this hub you can travel to the current map (Harmonia) and all other historic maps.
This wiki details the rules and the history of important events between the nations, settlements and individual players of the server, as well as other interesting autistic and non-autistic stuff. Use navigation (on the left) to learn more. Join us now and share your autism, you'll be free!
Registration and Login
- When joining for the first time, press
, then type
/register yourpassword
- When logging in next time you join the server:
/login yourpassword
This is necessary to stop people hijacking other's usernames. You can change your password with /changepassword
when still in the lobby.
Forgot your password?
Go here! Be patient - a quick answer is by no means guaranteed, though it may be faster in the IRC. Ask in #chat and stick around for more than five minutes.
Basic Rules
- No malicious griefing
- No malicious griefing
- Don't go around killing people at random and generally being a dick. See Battle agreements (Note these are voluntarily and only those who sign it are eligible for pvp, otherwise see the rules)
- Looking for a pirate client? Download this, or use our local mirror.