Laid-back Kingdom of AustrobavariaGmiatlichs Kenigreich Austrobavaria
Capital Austrobavaria
Official Languages English
Demonyn Austrobavarian
Government Benevolent dictatorship
Leader Kini zylix I.
Establishment 04-10-2011
Population 1 (currently)
Abbreviation AB

Austrobavaria is a small, pretty laid-back kingdom south of Alphatown. It borders Coenstad to the West and North (see Principality of Nelson); the rather new, yet still unaligned settlements east and south-east of the Woid, and the ocean to the south.


The highest place is the Wizardly Tower of Wizardry and Other Wizardly Thingsā„¢ on Gruzefix Peninsula, which was also the first building and also serves administrative functions. There are underwater buildings, a few small islands, a forest (called 'the Woid') and some other stuff which is currently under construction.


As of today, Austrobavaria is an independent kingdom which is at war with nobody and wishes to remain neutral for the moment. Visitors are always welcome.

  • settlements/austrobavaria.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)