
Has played before AlphaBernd was admin, placing him among the oldest of fags.

Has been an active builder and leader on all maps.

Leader of Battkhortostan, and so has experience in handling player requests and keeping shit organized.

Has organized battles such as the Siege of Fort Gorask.

Was involved in determining many of the rules binding nations, favoring a laissez-faire and contractual approach.

Is aware of the player structure and the necessity of accommodating both groups of players.

Once turned down an offer to be modded.

Understands and speaks serviceable Russian (idi na huy, bistro idi, etc.)

Innovator in social organization.

Most frequent contributor to the server wiki.

Not active in most of the terrorist acts committed by the Mongols in the last few months.


do we even need to say. he founded a country named after butthurt. Is it any question what kind of mod he will be?


Put your name in one of these fields (add your own if it runs out) and in the field beside it put a Pro Vote or an Anti Vote. Justify your vote on the discussion page.

Pro vote: ✔ Anti vote: ✘

Name Pro/Anti Comments
shakomatic Giddings me
THE Kovio sikandar is a qt
MystiaLorelei Neutral
  • proposals/sikandar4mod.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)