====== Eisen Kurwa ====== ^ Eisen Kurwa ^^ |{{ :nations:flagofeisen.png?150 |}}|| | Population | ~9 | | Abbreviation | IK | Eisen Kurwa is the fourth district chronologically and lies to the north east of North Kurwa. Originally part of North Kurwa, it was created once the population of North Kurwa became too large for one person to advise. Notable features include the subway to Outer Kurwa, the Northern Docks, the North Gate, and the Kurwan Baths. The advisor to the Council of Four for Eisen Kurwa is Keresztanya. ===== Notable Residents ===== * [[people:keresztanya|Keresztanya]] * [[people:mrkittens123|Mr Kittens]] * [[people:Soulwax88|Soulwax]]